Seed and gardening supply companies are clairvoyant! They seem to know the exact moment when you become sick of winter and spring fever is beginning to set in.
Last week, my car got stuck in the snow at the end of our driveway. All I could do was put my boots on and walk up the hill to the house. Since the car was now parked closer to the mailbox than the house, I decided to get the mail first. Expecting mostly bills, I was pleasantly surprised to find with those bills some of my favorite garden catalogs!
The best catalog that I got was Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. I wrote all about them and their catalog last year.
I got four other catalogs on the same day. Wow - Jackpot! I will put these with my other favorites and decide what new seeds plants and supplies to buy this year.
What a great cure for Spring Fever!