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May 17, 2011



tomato plants going in this wekend under cover so will join in another time...great tips

Bill Brikiatis

Marc -- I have a question about Tomato Tuesday. Does the orginal post on my blog need to be on Tuesday or does it just need to be about tomatoes?


Thanks for stopping by Donna. I'd love for you to join in next week or any future Tuesday.

Hi Bill, Thanks for the question. Tomato Tuesday is still getting off the ground so I can't expect bloggers to write about tomatoes only on Tuesdays. I will post the new meme each Tuesday, but your article doesn't have to be on Tuesday. It would be best if it were a recent post you've done, but as we are still ramping up you could include a past post as well.

I will be more specific when I post on Tuesdays and invite others to link to a tomato post they have written in the past week. That way, if someone writes about tomatoes a lot like I do, they may be able to join each week.

I would love to have you link up to something of yours Bill. Your posts are always fantastic. If you have any suggestions about how I should do Tomato Tuesdays, I'd love to hear them. I just want to have a place for us to coordinate our tomato blogging as the season progresses.

- Marc

Julianne Idleman

Hi Marc,

Wrote this new post just for you and Tomato Tuesday. Hope you enjoy reading about the tomato trials we have going this year at Dirt to Dinner.

Thanks for the meme! Great idea.


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