I want to update the progress of our vegetable garden on a weekly or bi-weekly basis throughout the 2011 growing season. The easiest way to do this is with a video, so I started something called Movie Monday. I like to take the videos on Sundays so I can have the posts ready on Monday mornings.
Yesterday when I went out to the garden to take the video, it was incredibly windy. So much in fact that my voice couldn't be heard at all. Since I was there with camera in hand though, I decided to make the update with still pictures instead. So welcome th Movie Monday, Snapshot Edition!
This first picture above is of the peas that I started in a gutter.
They survived despite their disastrous planting.
The peas that I planted directly in the garden have germinated and are doing well.
They aren't as tall as the gutter peas yet.
I'm still not sure if my new trellis design is a good one. It looks like the pea plants will have to be pretty tall before they will be able to grab on to the trellis netting.
I guess we'll see how that works later.
The broccoli plants that I had to protect from frost under buckets are looking great.
(See Movie Monday video from a few weeks ago for more about that)
When I planted the broccoli plants, I scattered lettuce seeds in the same bed, and they are up and looking good.
The lettuce that I started as transplants look okay, but don't seem to be growing much.
I wonder if the direct seeded lettuce will catch up to them.
The onion plants survived the cold as well and are looking much better.
The apple trees next to the pea bed are in full bloom, like the peach and pear trees were
last week. For a few days, all of our fruit trees were in bloom at the same time.
Inside, real estate under the lights is at a premium. I already moved two flats of lettuce seedlings out to the greenhouse to harden off.
Residents on the light table right now include several kinds of cucumbers (pictured above), many types of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, several different marigolds and zinnias, squash and zucchini.
I was surprised at how fast the squash seedlings grew! I had to transplant them to five inch pots already.
Last but not least, are the many tomato seedlings.
I will tell you more about them on Tomorrow's Tomato Tuesday Post.
This concludes Movie Monday, Snapshot Edition. Hopefully next week, I can go back to actual moving pictures and the post won't have to be so long.
Thanks, and Happy Gardening!