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March 01, 2011



My upside down tomato planter has a good size tomato plant, but has yet to produce one tomato. All the blooms that the plant has produced have fallen off. I have 3 other plants( which were planted about the same time)in the ground and they all have tomatoes, some more than others. It seems hard to believe that the root system in the upside down planter could grow effectively. Last year when I pulled my old tomato plants up, the roots were large and very extensive- would never fit in an upside down planter.

Loves a Garden

I used a 4 arm plant stand to plant 4 upside down planters: an early girl tomato, a cucumber, an asian eggplant, and a bell pepper. Early in the season, the tomato plant flourished,flowered, and set many small green tomatoes. As the heat of summer set in in late July with temps above 100 degrees, the tomato showed signs of heat and water stress. It was hard to keep the moisture level consistent, the roots reached the top of the planter, and it seemed that the roots were cooking in the exposed planter. The tomatoes ripened smaller in size. It's definitely easier to grow in a raised bed from a water standpoint. The bell pepper and the eggplant did very well, the cucumber drowned.

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