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February 08, 2011



tomatoes looks tasty


I almost ordered that shirt myself. :-)

Bill Brikiatis

I enjoyed this post. I agree with you on the Brandywine, mine were great last year and they seem to get better every year. I think I'm going to order the black cherry listed above. I've been searching for a cherry or grape that is open pollinated. Thanks for mentioning it.


So glad you are growing Mortgage Lifter. It is, by far, my favorite. They can be persnickety growers, but man are they worth it. ~ksp

Miss Rain

I discovered Tomato Fest this year as well. Great website, great service and great seeds.

I started 11 varieties indoors under T5 fluorescents about six weeks ago, and will plant them out this weekend. I got 100% germination and all the seedlings are stocky and strong. I can't wait!

Here are my choices from tomatofest.com:
Homer Fike's Yellow Oxhart
Juane Flammé
San Marzano Redorta
Italian Heirloom
Paul Robeson
Black from Tula
Principe Borghese
Bloody Butcher
Green Zebra

I look forward to your updates!


I realize it's a little late into the 2012 season right now, and the variety I will suggest doesn't have the shortest germination time, but a great heirloom variety, a pinkish red one, is Marianna's Peace. Far and above my favorite for flavor.


Great post. I agree. I just got to try my first Aunt Ruby's German Green, definitely one of my favorites along with Brandywine Cowlick. Blondkopfchen is very good and very productive. Also, really like chocolate cherry and snow white. A couple others you might try are Dagma's Perfection and Wapsipinicon Peach. I have 50 some tomatoes out there, and I think Dagma's Perfection is probably my favorite. It is very tasty. I also found out after growing it that Wapsipincon Peach won the Seed Savers taste testing one year. I plan to try the rest of there winners. Great info look forward to seeing what your new favorites are.

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