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April 07, 2009



Looks great! thanks for sharing the photos.


Great looking beds. What I like about my onions and garlic is that they are still alive after all these late freezes! I also love my radishes and lettuce that just take all this cold in stride. Hurray for cold weather crops!


Your onion starts are looking nice & stocky. I just gave mine a trim & some strong fertilizer last night. I am putting them in the cold frame for a week or two and then will plant them out. I have so many things to plant this year I don't even know where they will fit.

Do you plant your set around tomato seeding time for any particular reason? I am trying sets this year and really know nothing about planting them.



*typo - do you plant your onion sets around outdoor tomato planting time for any particular reason?


And I've just begun to harvest my onions! Ahh...the differences between the North & the South!



Dan, we could plant onion sets earlier but it seems to work out better for us to plant them later. I like to tuck onion sets in between all of the tomatoes (and all over the garden, really). Not only do I get to utilize un-used space that way, but the onions seem to deter some of the insect pests. By waiting until the tomatoes are planted, I know what available space I have. Waiting does make the harvest a bit later but we have the potato onions and the onion plants already going by then so we don't notice the later harvest.


I am new to the garden game and I am looking to plant veggies to make up a salad.Now which ones need sun/shade.What can I plant beside each other..ect.Any help would be great.

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