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March 23, 2009



Thanks for this great post, as a fellow gardening book enthusiast I was most pleased to discover a couple books I have yet to read. Gardening Under Plastic and Solar Gardening, Growing Vegetables Year Round have been added to my wish list.



I went to the bookstore during my lunch to look for the Composting book and the Four Season Harvest book but alas, they did not have them.
I will look at Amazon later today


Since I'm from New England but live in Florida, I have noticed how northerner's seem to grow gardens more. It's a shame because Florida has such great sunny weather. But because of this fact most of the great books seem to come from north of the Mason-Dixon! You might say "so what, what's the big deal?" Well, Florida has such great weather that it's actually.......unusual. So unusual that when Floridians want to read about gardening it's hard to find accurate info. I mean, we don't start our tomatoes in June!Now I'm not crying! Just sayin'! lol. Anyway, I have learned from most of the books you have listed, especially "The Vegetable Gardener's Bible", but I recommend "Vegetable Gardening In Florida" by James M Stephens, for you Gators.



Hi Marc-this is Sharon from Simple Green and Frugal-I need to update your feed and could you please e-mail me-I am having a bit of a time trying to get the roster to you. Thanks ever so much.


I've often wondered what my knowledge level is compared to someone who has just spent time in a professional horticultural college! I have been a keen, self-educated amateur gardener for more than 40 years. I love reading gardening books then putting it to the test. I bet we would give those professionals a run for their money, eh?

Ottawa Gardener

Many of my favs there too. Can I include as indispensible: Seed to Seed by Ashcroft and Deppe's book on amateur plant breeding?

Pond Kits

I like garden and reading the garden book. I make small garden in my home. So i always take care to my garden and i just find the best gardening book and you meet me so i never control to myself for the commenting. Thanks for the post.

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