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February 23, 2009


Looks like a nice cold frame- good size so you can easily move it. I need to make smaller ones for my 4x4s. My large cold frame has really helped us have winter and early spring greens- I can't live without it!

I love that book. I think it was the first one I read too. I wish I could find it, but for some reason all my really old gardening books have disappeared. :< I need to make a cold frame too, though it will probably be made out of plywood. I have some old storm windows I saved when we replaced our windows this year.

Great cold frame and the doweling holding the corners together is a good idea.

I built a cold frame last fall and I used a double glazed window. I have yet to really use it as I built it to late in the season but it has kept a pretty good temperature over the winter.

Mr Chiots and I built one last year as well. We made it the same size as all of our raised beds so that we can move it around. We bought the greenhouse polycarbonate panels for the lids, we figured it would stand up better in all the snow we get here.

Great how-to post.

Thanks for the book idea, I'll be adding that to my list at the library.

That looks like a neat cold frame. I have one that Eliot Coleman designed...sold by Johnnys Selected Seeds. I love the way it is designed and it has a great automatic opener, which keeps my plants safe from burning up if I forget to vent it. :-)


Great directions with pics! Thanks!

this is great! Thanks for sharing:)

woodworking books on cutting boards

Great how-to post. Thanks for the book idea, I'll be adding that to my list at the library.

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