My family and I love to eat Chinese food, and since there is a new Chinese take-out restaurant in our town, we've been eating it more than we probably should. Of course, the kid in me always likes getting the fortune cookie after stuffing myself.
Most of the time I don't pay much attention to the actual fortune, but this time I did a double-take!
It says "Your present plants are going to succeed."
Wow, that is so great! How did it know that I've already started my extra-early tomato plants under lights?
That has to be a typo, right? It makes me think - wouldn't it be a great idea to have fortune cookies for gardeners? Think of all the great advice they could give. Maybe I got the first fortune cookie for gardeners. Or maybe it is supposed to read "Your present plans are going to succeed." I am planning quite a bit for the garden this year, so I'd take that as well.
I guess this means the year ahead will be a great one. My plants or my plans will succeed!
This fortune can be for all of you as well. So make plans and grow plants; they're sure to succeed! Hey, the cookie says so. :)
What a nice surprise. Laminate it and put it up in your garden.
Posted by: February 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Perfect. Think of the other things you could say: There will be no late frost this year, plan accordingly. Your tomatoes will be fruitful. Or just the old ones but good ones like 1 years seed is 7 years of weed...
I'm growing dwarf tomatoes under lights this year too.
Posted by: February 27, 2009 at 03:13 PM
I love that. My last one was "Progress involves risk." Hmm I wonder what that one would mean in the garden for me. Maybe I should start some of those early tomatoes too.
Posted by: February 27, 2009 at 04:43 PM
As they say, "Some people have all the luck". In this case, you got the fortune!.
Posted by: David | February 28, 2009 at 12:04 AM
What a great fortune! (typo or no) ;^)
Posted by: February 28, 2009 at 05:22 AM
Fortunate indeed!! My fortune cookie a couple of weeks ago was written in German... so I don't know what it said!!!
Posted by: March 01, 2009 at 12:34 AM