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January 23, 2009


My experiment isn't as grand as yours, I think. I plan on testing the weight yield per square foot of broccoli planted at different grid spacings.

Well, I'd definitely like to grow a massive tomato as well. Bigger is better right?

I am also going to try two or three of the upside down tomato planters. I am going to do this mainly because I have very limited square footage but lots of vertical space.

As a Plumbing Contractor I recognized the material you used for your trellis......I am a pro after all!

But where'd you get the net? Or did you make it yourself?


Tomatoes are my fave, I hope someday I can push through on my Genetics study on creating a tomato that can give bigger fruit.

My fun with tomatoes this year is to grow the seed from my Sungold tomatoes I collected last year and see what I get. Sungold is an F1, so the plants ought to be different. Some people think the seed companies might have already stabilized the hybrid and I'll just get Sungolds, but I'm hoping for something interesting.

So far everyone's goals sound like great things to try for.

Dan - have you tried the upside down planters before? I'm interested in knowing the pros and cons on them. Maybe that should be a whole post.

Conservative Gardener - The netting pictured is one that I really like from Park Seed. It holds up pretty well for two or three years and is not terribly expensive.

You can make it yourself but I have always been a bit lazy with it. If you are interested in making one, my favorite articles about how to do it are from Backyard Granger (last year) and Compost Bin (several years ago).

I do recommend using a trellis with as many veggies as possible. (peas, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, some squashes and small pumpkins and melons. Of course they don't have to be 15 feet tall like mine will be!

- Marc


We love tomatoes and aside from growing some heirloom varieties, we also plan on growing tomatoes upside down in 5-gal food grade buckets. I'll post pix on my blog as soon as we have them up. =)
I cannot wait to see pix of your tomato experiment!

I love your photography. You should consider making a blogazine at magazines.me. It showcases photos really well and allows more blogging creativity.
again... beautiful


Back when my kids were little, we used to go out to the pumpkin patch and gently scribe the kids' names in the green pumpkins. Once they started to ripen to a bright orange, each child could find his own to be picked later and carved. I'm hoping now to do this with my grandchildren when they are old enough to hike with me to the garden.

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