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November 10, 2008


Mr Chiot's and I are getting ready to do this for our raised beds as well. I just have to floating row cover for now. We did just build a cold frame to go over one raised bed (it's moveable). It's in a bed full of carrots (a la Elliot Coleman "Four Season Harvest").

I'll be using your tips for my bed full of cabbage & kale & spinach. I bought cold tolerant lettuce and they've had a hard freeze and are still going strong (no covers or anything).

i hope they work too, we will be watching your winter closely so we have some knowledge for our own cold winter next year
your garden always looks so full of yummy things to eat!

Hi guys, your hoop houses look great. Mine didn't work that well this year, but hey, there's always next year right!
Renee, I wanted to let you know I posted up that info on my chickens that you were looking for. You can find it here. Sorry for the delay.

A little acknowledgement for you, over on my blog.

Wow, your garden has really "blossomed" this season, if you'll pardon the pun.

Looks fantastic, can't wait to see how the broccoli end up doing!

very interesting hopefully you are eating all those veggies up quickly

I use the same hoop covers (what I call them) on my beds. I don't staple them down, just pull the plastic taut against the bed before clipping the plastic sheeting to he PVC with cheap binder clips. My brackes hold one-size larger PVC pipe to use like a flag pole stand. Works very well. The short pipes stay on the beds year round. I only remove the 10 foot poles and plastic.

Unfortunately, I did a test this fall to judge the outside and inside hoop temperature. Grrr. there was no temperature difference whatsoever. So I'm hoping it does something other than keep it warmer. Gotta be good for something.

When I used them this last April during a snow storm, my plants loved it and grew like mad! Definitely going to start my spring early under cover again!

Good luck with your covers this season!

That broccoli looks wonderful! I love the protection too. You call them stoop houses?? We call them cloches over here. Interesting stuff.

Sinfonian - I think that these covers can store heat absorbed from the sun but my understanding is that the biggest reason to use them is to keep frost and snow off the plants.

Many things, like broccoli, can thrive at very low temperatures they just can't take the frost that typically comes with them.

Wow, that's one heck of an operation you have going there! I'm certain you can grow most anything you set your mind to...looks like fun!

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