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June 29, 2008


I can just imagine if it was in my garden. I'd get up early in the morning, sleepy and not quite awake. I'd wander out to the garden and get a rude awakening. LOL be careful with that gadget.

O my goodness! My boys would be so jealous if they even knew that gadget existed.

Persistence is so key with learning anything and I think gardening is a constant learning process. I love that.

Wow! what a wonderful gadget! I could just sit and watch for hours just to see those pesky critters get squirted in the face! We don't have racoons or groundhogs here in England, but I suffer from cats and foxes!

The CHeap

Nice gadget, I would consider but think only 4 of my corn have survived didn't do too well transplanting and only had survivors I planted in the ground.

Wow, your corn bed looks pretty much like mine. I've got a 44 SF raised bed and planted corn 3 inches apart with 8 inch rows... very intensive. I saw it work on GW once or twice. So far so good.

I would like to have that gadget on my deck. You should see the size of the racoon prints parading up and down it. Garbage cans must be empty.

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