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June 16, 2008



I found this site that sells organic vegetable garden seeds. Whole And Natural.com. Their prices are the lowest at about 1.50 per packet.


Great info! We are just getting started on our raised bed garden and it is a learning experience for us. Things are going OK but we started late so some stuff didnt come up. Heat might be a factor as we live in Alabama. Love your blog!

Very informative post, the SFG has really change a lot of peoples outlook on vegetable gardening. The old idea of planting long rows, spaced well apart and then have everything ready to harvest at the same time is really not that good of an idea. I very much enjoy reading your blog!
Check out my veggie garden blog:

Very interesting post. I do SFG in boxes, but in my garden, SFG doesnt work so well with corn. It does work for my other vegetables, but for corn, I used the traditional methods of planting them in rows. Anyway, cool blog. I'll have to come back and visit.

This is really a fantastic post.

My family has passed this knowledge down for generations, but I didn't know the name for it before. It was just taught that you planted in a certain pattern at a certain time, and to be honest I'd forgotten what I was told.

Now I think I'll be visiting my grandparents to have them explain their method to me again.


I'm really trying to get use out of every square inch this year. I have underplanted the taller plants with spinach and lettuce and I'm just about to plant some climbing beans up my sweetcorn which is 2ft tall now.

Thanks for this post. It is so informative!


Nice article on succession planting and intercropping! I use SFG in my home garden which is 10' x 10', and use biointensive methods on the micro-farm & CSA I run since that is set up with 36" wide raised rows ranging between 20 to 40 long. Trying to plan for intercropping and successions was a little hard to figure out at first, but now I'm using an online garden & farm planner called the Fantastic Farm & Garden Calculator http://www.landshareco.org/ It can be used for biointensive, SFG, or traditional methods.

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