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June 30, 2008


Let us know how the squirrels fare with your newest plot against them.

Those things look like a lot of fun!


Let us know how it works for you. My neighbor bought one also but he still has problems with the crows. It has helped with the deer though. I bought those big "eye balls" and they have kept the crows out. A sturdy fence and dogs keep the deer out! But now we've got some very young fawns that don't seem to know the rules!!!! :D

I wonder if it would detect neighbors, haha. I have seen the squirrel spinning feeder and it is hilarious.

You may have success with deterring the squirrels with water. I had a family of them in my roof over hang, I knocked on the bottom till they all ran out and spent the rest of the day spraying them with the hose when they tried to re-enter. It did the trick for me, they moved back into there original home, my neighbors porch.

that looks hilarious

I bet itd keep the neighbors out of your yard, but not their kids.

the kids would just put on swimsuits and come play.

on the upside the lawn would get watered

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