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May 12, 2008



This is a great post!

Thanks for posting all the pictures and descriptions. I've only been in contact with Baker Creek via email and ordered online, and while I think they are great people, it's also nice to get a more personal side of them like this.

I'm looking forward to reading more about your trip when you have the time to post about it.

I have never heard of this company. I will definitely check it out, thanks for the info.

Thank you for taking us with you to Baker Creek. Just the sort of place I would love to visit if I wasn't over here in London! Took a while to load though.. even with broadband!

I love Baker Creek's company. I'm not close enough to go to any of their festivals, but every time I've ordered from them online, they've sent my seeds very quickly and usually include a free gift packet of seeds with purchase. I'd love to be able to buy in person.

That looks like it was a ton of fun! I'd love to take my kids to something like that. Though I'm nowhere near your area. Great pics and creative solutions.

Just stopped by from Judy's blog. Great work all around!

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