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May 14, 2008


It looks like you're all having fun out there!

I have four small boys and a few of them enjoy giving me a hand in the garden. Sometimes too much of a hand, but I always enjoy being with them.

It's wonderful that your daughters like to garden. They will learn so much working side by side with you, and be better for it.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

I hope my Son someday comes around, he hates it now, and wants nothing to do with it. I always hoped to have a girl, but it wasn't meant to be....maybe a Granddaughter someday?

I love to see your daughters enjoy gardening. I have three daughters and they love gardening, they always liked it from an early age on.

That's an enlightened view about encouraging your daughters to help. We all grew up growing veggies but we were never made to do it. My niece has no interest whatsoever because she said she was made to do it as a child. hmm

What fabulous helpers! Wow, your tomatoes look fabulous.



Nice work on the garden, what drew me here was the Florida Weave staking apporach to tomatoes. I'll be trying that this year.

Can you tell me what kind of wood you have used for your raised beds? And, do you disassemble them every year? I am having a hard time finding a good insect-resistant hardwood that isn't an arm-and-a-leg.


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