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May 21, 2008


Thanks, Marc---this post came just in time to remind me to defend my own strawberries :-) And, your method is much more elegant than mine (putting a milk crate over the two strawberry plants our daughters planted).

Great post!


If I ever become President, you'll be my first pick for Secretary of Strawberry Defense. :)

Nice setup!

I bet this would keep inexperienced landscapers from pulling them out thinking they were weeds too, huh? My strawberries are all gone!

Looks wonderful Mark, thankfully all we have to worry about in Aussie is the slugs, the old margarine container and beer trick fixes them.


I don't get racoons, groundhogs, or grizzly bears here in London, but I do have a problem with American gray squirrels (thank you)and wood pigeons. You have just reminded me I need to cover my strawberries. I might put a fleece over them. My dog Buddy also eats strawberries!


I don't have that problem. I grow white strawberries. The birds and other animals don't notice them...


See, now I would've suggested building a small camouflaged bunker and training Macy it wait inside and attack anything that got near the strawberries.

But your idea would almost certainly work better.

Macy would probably eat half the strawberries and promptly fall asleep in the bunker, leaving the rest to the other garden pests.

Lucky for me the wife's cat isn't interested in plants. Yet.

mss @

I like your strawberry defense system very much. Good job. I need to build a few protection devices myself.

This year I simply covered the strawberries with floating row covers but if I want to expand my beds, I think I might try something like you've built.

Hey Marc - can you come build one for me? The birds have ravaged our strawberries and it doesn't look like we're going to have any for us to eat this year...

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