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April 12, 2008



Thanks for visiting my blog Marc.

I see you're growing lots of different tomatoes, one of my favourites in the veg garden.Looking forward to seeing how they do.

It can be frustrating waiting for seeds to germinate. I bought some expensive new F1 hybrid beefsteak tomatoes. All other seeds came up except these - 4 weeks went by and I was just writing to the seed company to demand my money back... when up they popped! If all else fails... threaten them!


Everything looks great Marc. I may copy your list format at some point because there's just too much gardening going on in spring. It's hard to keep the blog up to date.

Marc, you have the most excellent list of blog sites here - lots of new friends to make, thanks!

Hey way to solve the fungal problem organically...and I think the lettuce bed is very ornamental. I want to try some greens in a tub to keep them from rabbits. (Though it may just be a deer salad bar.)

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