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March 19, 2008


Holy cow dude! 33 tomato varieites?! I think that's the highest number I've seen yet this year. Do you eat them all? Can them? Wow.

There must be some kind of competition I don't know about. Me and my 5 tomato plants will not apply. :0)

33! You've got a fantastic variety--I can't wait to see the mountains of tomatoes you get when the harvest starts to come in. Somewhere I saw a recipe for herb and spinach pasta (so the noodles were green) with white tomato sauce on top. It looked odd, but sounded delicious!

What will you do with all of your bounty? I wish I lived nearby. Do you start them in pots, or just outside? I've grown several of those varieties, but not the yellow foggy or the white. Can't wait to see them.~~Dee

Wow---and here I thought I was going to be in tomato heaven with my 16 varieties! And I'm not growing any white tomatoes....I've got nearly every other color. Maybe I need to go through the catalogs again....

You are an inspiration to tomato fanatics everywhere. Can't wait to read about your experiences growing and harvesting all of these awesome varieties!

BTW----if you've got a minute, I have a reader question posted on my blog that I have a feeling you'll be able to help with. Please? Pretty please? ;-)

wow, thanks for the comments everyone.

Katie, - 5 tomato plants are enough but couldn't you find room for one or two more? Seriously, you're lucky you don't suffer from tomatoitis.

Meg - that dish does sound interesting and delicious. I have looked into making "white" spaghetti sauce like that.

Dee - I hope there is a lot of bounty. First we eat them fresh until our cold sores won't let us eat any more. Then we make a lot of salsa and can some. We give many away and my daughter wants to sell at the Farmer's Market this year. Also, since there are so many different varieties, they don't all ripen at the same time. I'm hoping for a steady "bounty" from late May to late October!

Colleen - I'm glad you are a fellow fanatic! 16 is a more realistic number. Last year I capped my selection at 20. 33 is probably too many. I will have to think about how I would answer your question as to what the sweetest non-cherry tomato is. Hmmm... I will comment on your blog after I give it some thought.

I didn't even take the time to see where you are writing from but I got excited by the topic I had to write in right away. I know it says your white seeds arrived, but I have "Italian Ice" seeds from Burpee that are a white cherry variety and I'd be happy to send you a few if you'd like to have them. The description for them is what sold me (and the veggie porn) - it says they're best eaten chilled and I imagined them like little tomato sorbet balls in a bowl on a hot day.
This is my second season as a community gardener and I'm ambitiously trying to start pretty much the entire garden from seed this year, but also 14 kinds of tomatoes - some saved from last year and some shared and the rest purchased from the seed catalogs.
Anyway, you're more than welcome and I look forward to watching your garden grow.

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