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March 20, 2008


The Cheap

Well I planted mine weeks ago but given they are just starting to germinate now, maybe I should have been a little more patient :)


Yikes, it's time for peas! Thanks for the reminder. :)

Yes, reverse order is my standard order. Unfortunately, my wife protests until I dismantle my trellises each fall. So I'll have to build some more.

Love that cold frame. Nice work.

Peas and goodwill to all.

Nice trellis.

I've never heard of the tradition of sowing peas on St Patricks day. Perhaps a modern invention since in the USA everything turns green! I always plant my new potatoes on Good Friday, this is centuries old tradition. Another I know of is that you only prune a box hedge on Christmas Day and Derby day!

You are planning for some tall peas. My vines won't be that vigorous.

When my Dad was alive and planting his garden every spring, he wrote "sowed March 6th" on a packet of pea seeds. So though he tried to plant around St. Pat's Day, if it was warmer earlier, he'd plant them.

I don't believe my peas have sprouted yet, but "any day" now.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Those supports are terrific! I'd love to have something like that. I'll be showing your photos to my husband (hint, hint).

Playing in the Dirt

Wow - both your trellis and the cold frame look great!! And a gardener who's well prepared IN ADVANCE on something like that? Shocking! LOL Seems like most stories I read, we all want to get the seeds in the dirt NOW and figure out the technicalities later...

Our last frost date here in NE Ohio is a week or two after yours I believe (something like May 21?), and I just planted peas (and carrots, lettuce and spinach) Tuesday evening. I figured I was behind, but this is my first year with my own yard (as opposed to a rental plot), so I'm not used to having access to my own planting space so early! Plus we kept having snow storms....didn't figure the peas would appreciate that.

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