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August 15, 2007



Sorry to hear about your melons. The salsa looks great.
Sara from farmingfriends

Oh my, how sad :( Sorry to say this but it IS amazing to see that scooped out melon. I can just imagine his tiny fist full of melon, and how much he must have enjoyed himself. Er. . . that bad bad racoon. Bad. Very cute, but bad.

farmingfriends - Thanks! We have not yet tasted the salsa but we are looking forward to it!Thanks

michelle - I agree about the raccoon. I would love to have seen him eating it. I wouldn't mind sharing with the coons but I wish they would have shared with me!

Those pesky critters! I am always sad to lose anything I have been nurturing for months, so sorry (but quite funny at the same time) That salsa looks fantastic!

Hey, after seeing your pictures I just figured out what ate four large Charentais french melons in my garden last week!! I should have known, because a few weeks before we lost a chicken to racoons...

Thanks for the great photos.

Leigh from A Larrapin Garden

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