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August 09, 2007


I feel for you with the lack of water. Here in Florida, it's feast or famine. We go from drought and half the state burning down to waiting for the lizards to pair up and get on the ark. It now rains almost daily. That being said, temps here are easily in the 100's, so it's mostly steaming my plants.

I guess it saves time in the kitchen! LOL. Keep posting those LOVELY mater pics!



Marc: This year Minnesota is in an extreme drought. I've been watering my veggies every 4-5 days for 3 hours at a time. So far, it's working okay, although the cucumbers and zucchini are starting to look a little ragged, and the beans have definitely seen better days. On a high note, though, the tomatoes seems to like the watering regime, because they're starting to come in really nicely.

I hope some of us get some rain soon.

Marc... I've been watering the vegetable garden deeply once a week all summer, and it is raised beds like yours. I, too, have noticed that the tomato vines can't seem to support the weight of the tomatoes like they should.

And, with these hotter days, plus the fact that we are on the downhill side of summer, I think the garden will finish up sooner than usual. Some plants are quite wilted at the end of the day, but they perk right up by morning.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens

hey marc! that Brandywine looks so delicious! I'm gonna try to find some of those seeds next year after seeing so many posts with the beautiful Brandywines.

As far as watering, it's been raining all week here. It's feast or famine it seems.

We're suffering here with the heat and no rain too, I just did a long post on my blog about my watering techniques. I'd rather have rain.

Hey Marc,
I'm sorry to hear about the drought season some of you are experiencing. Hope you'll get some rain soon! On the other hand, lately we've been having a lot of it, maybe even too much. That's gardening!
Stay green!

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