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July 12, 2007


Marc... I tried the Mirai corn last year. It was my first serious attempt to grow corn in a small space, and I learned quite a bit doing it. The corn was good, but (for me) the ears were small. I think I planted the corn too close together.

This year I'm trying a variety from Pinetree Garden Seeds called Bon Appetit. It's tasseling now.

Your garden is looking good. It's always good to have a plan B.

Carol from May Dreams Gardens


Marc: Even though you've had to move to plan B, your new garden looks great. Just remember that you're building for the future, and as you finish planting for this year, start dreaming about how great it will be next year!


Marc, next year when you try again with the fence you should look into plastic zip ties or sometimes they're called tie wraps. They'll be in the electrical section of the store.

I used to have metal fencing like yours and I would attach it to wooded posts with the zip ties and never had any problems. And with a quick snip of a wire cutter, you'll be able to easily take your fence down in the fall.

And by the way, your garden looks great!

Thank you Carol, Tracy and Anthony!

I will try the plastic zip ties next time. I'm actually thinking of fencing in the entire veggie plot instead of just the corn. That way I'll have something to do in the garden in the off season. This year was terrible trying to build the garden in the Spring/Summer.

You really can't garden if your not flexible enough to change your plans when things don't go well. Gardens are like computers, if there's a pissing contest they will win every time.

I'm amazed at all you did in one season. I'm exhausted from digging two new hosta beds and planting ten trees.

Wow! What a lot of hard work you've done. Your new garden plan looks very tidy and organized. Well done!

Definitely go with Anthony's suggestion on the zip ties - I used old tomato stakes, a scrap piece (maybe 8x6') of the mesh I use for my tomato cages, and a bunch of zip ties last year, and made a great wall for my cucumbers (and some stray pumpkins!) to grow up. Just zip-tied the mesh to two stakes I'd buried a couple feet into the ground, and while struggling with the curved mesh, zip-tied some stakes across it lengthwise, and voila, a straight mesh climbing wall! At the end of the season you can just cut the ties off if you want and put it all away for winter.

And your nice-and-tidy garden is an inspiration! We just got moved into our new house on 1/3 acre a few weeks ago, and I bought a tiller last week. After using it for hours to "harvest" all the rocks in a 12x12 foot area, as well as work in a bunch of peat, manure, friend's grass clippings, and kitchen scraps, I've put in a mini garden to go with all my potted veggies. I figure with time I can expand out and really make the garden I envision, but for now, this'll have to do... I keep checking blogs like yours for the inspiration and reassurance that, with time, I can come up with something really nice (I hope!).

Hi Marc
I've nominated you for a Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award.

Apologies if you have already received a nomination but you can have another one anyway. I think your work with the Veggie Garden Info site is worth it!

You can read about it here:

Looks great! I've had some very great improvements come from "plan B" situations...kudos to you for going with it! That zip-tie tip was very helpful, I can't wait to use it!

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