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June 13, 2007



I played it last summer when I was visiting in Ohio. I'd never heard of it before one of my best friends moved there. Her FIL makes and sells the boards and bags. I've lived all over the country, and having never heard of it before I could only assume it was a local thing. It was fun though =)

I've not ever played it, but I do know of it because the girl in the office next to me is always talking about it. I like to tease her and now I'll be sure to show her this WW :)

that looks like so much fun!! A great set of photos!

Oh that looks so fun! Thanks for sharing and Happy WW.

Angel Mama ():)

How fun!

I've never seen or played it but I have heard of it if where I heard it from was referencing the same game.

"Corn Holio" from Beevis and Butthead way back in the day when I'd catch an episode here and there but I had no idea what it was.

Looks like a lot of fun! Wonderful set of photos.

Happy WW!

We just call it a bean bag toss. No tournies, tho'. We use them in festivals.


I have never heard of this before. Happy WW.

Cornhole? Thanks for the brand new definition to what I used to think was very family unfriendly!

Happy WW - mines up at Any Apples


I've heard of it, but have never seen photos. That looks like fun, thanks for sharing those!

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