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June 28, 2007


Hey Marc, thank you for mentioning my blog! I wrote about it today in my Edible Landscaping blog.


Marc: Great post! I, too, would love to make gardening a full-time activity. Wouldn't that be great? Anyway, thanks for participating!

Well, okay, now...I kinda see how to do this! Thank you for the nice remarks! That was interesting to learn about you! You write wonderfully and if anybody is paying attention out there in garden book land...they should be contacting you! Then, you could get on the speaking circuit...and there you go! See, how it all works out??! Lol!

You're great, Marc!

I always like to read about Purdue connections, my alma mater!

Hi Marc,
I think the key to #7 might be tied to #3. How about a video podcast about gardening? You've got the credentials (see #1).

I've been kicking around the idea myself and I'm not even a master gardener, I'm just a guy who likes compost. Unfortunately crunching video would kill my old computer. Have to wait until I upgrade.

Thanks for the tag, I may actually answer this one. :)

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