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May 09, 2007


Very funny and a very tolerant cat.. my four would ahve my hand off it I tried to get them to wear a bonnet!

very cool--bet you had a lot of fun doing that! Have a good one!

Hilarious! I can't choose my favourite. Do you have scars?

That is so cute, you you have a very calm cat.


Great photos, the cat must have been very relaxed :-O

This is just too funny & way too cute. I vote for the night cap but please tell me some one else in your house has a very small head & that this cat doesn't really own a selection of hats . . . lol

Our kitten is very calm and tolerant. My daughters did this with Macy (the cat's name) on their own - pictures and all.

And no, those hats don't belong exclusively to Macy. They are from my daughters' American Girl dolls.

The girls have too much fun with Macy!

LOL! Good cat!

Oh bless, I love them all, not sure the cat does though.


AWESOME. so cute

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