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April 22, 2007


very sweet :)


That's very cute - when does she become your official undergardener?


You go Sammy. He knows all it takes are some seeds, straw, water, and last but not least fertilizer.

Great story! I'm so glad my cats are not into gardening. Shhhh . . don't tell them about the catnip I'm growing outside.

A welcome to the latest Green Thumb participant...lol. What a great lttle garden he's growing.

That is too funny! At least your pet grows plants instead of destroying them....

How fun. The best garden yet! I was just excited to see the wild rabbit eating dandelions tonight. At least he is helping, rather than eating the garden.


We had guinea pigs when I was young, but I don't remember them being so handy to have around, lol! To tell you how long ago it was, they were named for our then-favorite celebs: Hoss, Little Joe, Adam and Pollyanna!

Hope your garden come along looking perky soon! Late again visiting for GTS.

She's a natural pet for a gardener's family!

Pretty good garden for a guinea pig! Fun post! :-)

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