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March 23, 2007


This is fantastic. As one who is running out of windowsills; how I'd love one of these!

What a wonderful way to recycle the old table. I have to admire you for starting so many of your own seeds. That takes time and a lot attention to detail. I am impressed.

Looks great, well done! Now I'm even more sure that you'll be eating those tomatoes really soon.

very impressive job! And I bet it's wonderful puttering around with it, too.

Wow! That is amazing! It's quitean inspiration too! It's super impressive. I think more lights is better than no lights too!

I must get more lights. Right now, since repotting, I have had to place the light too far above them. More power, more light, more plants!


you should consider getting T5 or T8 flourescents. They will cost a bit more but you will be rewarded with very healthy fast growing seedlings. Getting a good head start is crucial.

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