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March 06, 2007


Robins don't migrate. Yeah, I was disappointed when I found that out too! In the winter, their diet changes and they feed on berries which is why they "disappear" from your yard. They move to another area where they can find berries, then return to their summer feeding grounds for bugs when the weather gets warm in the spring. In the winter, look for robins in places where there are lots of berries. I recently saw hundreds of them in the holly grove at Rutgers Gardens.

I have heard different things about the habits of robins in winter. I think you are right about them not "migrating", but I wonder if they stay in the same general area or if they move around a lot.

My mom goes to Florida in the fall and winter and she says that hundreds of robins show up in January and February. She thought that they migrated from elsewhere. Interesting.

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