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February 27, 2007


Well, our slugs are a pest indeed, but no blisters at least! I'm looking forward to seeing the horseradish at work. I think I'm still in the bliss of a newer garden. The bugs haven't gotten too familiar with it yet.

Apart from slugs I don't have much of a pest problem (so far) in my garden. I'm looking forward to see how you will combat those blister beetles (they sound nasty) in a eco friendly way. Lots of success!

I have slugs as well, but the only place they caused a problem was with my strawberries. I stopped them there by surrounding each plant with course sand. Slugs won't crawl over sand. I know that remedy isn't practical for an entire garden, but it works well for a small area!

Good luck combating your slugs, and thank you for the comments!

Yikes! I don't want them! Years ago, I read this book (it had a different cover...is that possible?...from my local library...anyway), but your brilliant post has reminded me that I need to read it again! Thanks!


I lost my whole batch of tomatoes to blister beetles 2 years ago. They nearly demolished all of my hostas that year too. I was so discouraged that I didn't plant last year. I am planning a large garden this year though and I am going to use that horseradish suggestion. I had read that they will leave eggs in the soil over winter so I am moving the garden to another area--even though it was 2 years ago, I don't want to chance it.


does anyone have suggestions for any organic solutions to keep them at bay that doesn't contain any type of sulfa or sulfates? I work at an outside resturant in south florida and we are over run with these pests and nothing we do helps. There are manatee and dolphins so it needs to be eco friendly. I can't find much information on these horrible pests that swarm at night! Please any advise will help us!

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