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January 26, 2007


You can actually order these with a personalized message on them. There is a web site somewhere. My daughter got one a year or so ago for her grandmother, we too were anxious to see if it really worked, lo and behold, it did! Pretty nifty!!

Wow, thanks Angie! Personal message huh? I will have to look for that. I wonder what kind of bean it is. There is a lot of surface there for writing on. I also wonder what kind of ink they stamp on. It has to be pretty durable to not wash off with the watering. Lastly, I wonder if we could do it ourselves at home in our gardens!

do you know if it came from dollar general for sure? i want to grow them with my kids at school. i collected the money only to find them discontinued at the store i was going to buy them at! have you seen them anywhere?? thanks.

Yes, the one I grew came from Dollar General but it was bought at the end of the summer. I don't know if they carry them year round. There is a website written on the can. It is the name of the parent company or something. I will look at it and post what it is.

Someone was wondering about the ink. Actually, I read that they are laser etched. I got one for Easter, and it is just starting to break through the soil. I really cannot read it quite yet, but think it says Money, Money, Money. The website listed on the can leads nowhere.

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