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August 05, 2006



It was a pleasure to have a few minutes to read your web pages!
I live in Mi and have been gardening/living organic for about 11 years now.
I was rather blessed to see the pics that you were able to get they were all great! I enjoy wildlife weather pest or friend.
I have preying mantis and lady beetles and lacewing,along with toads,frogs and birds one kind being hummers.I was hesitant for years to have all because they can eat each other, so I just make certain they all have a happy home and trust God will protect those he wishes.I cant wait to find the sacs of the PMantis'.
Thanks again and if I think of it when I have a moment I'll visit you again.
All the best and was really encouraged to see there is yet another fun curious gardener.
Again..excellent shot oh,dont know who the black with red bug is (sorta looks like the milkweed bug)
might be able to help you.

Have a Great Day Outddors!

RedfordTownship MI.

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